what episode does goten and trunks fuse

He, like Gogeta, is summoned out of desperation to defeat powerful enemies. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However the pink monster easily regenerated, and made himself 100% for the fight again. Gotenks then claims he will end Duplicate Vegeta in one swift attack, then proceeds to use his Grand Special Rolling Kick, with no success. "Uh-uh-uh, we're not doing this as Super Saiyans. "Gohan is Revived — Kaiōshin's Secret Weapon?!") "Gotenks is Born" (合がっ体たい超ちょう人じん誕たん生じょう!! The opposite side of the hole seem to lead outside of the Chamber. Aka is then defeated by Goku with a Kamehameha. Gotenks greatly resembles Vegeta in terms of his hairstyle, and facial expressions. When Gotenks reaches Majin Buu, he insults Buu, calling him fat, which angers Buu into a fight. Janemba is killed by Vegeta with a Final Flash, allowing him to return to Earth leading to his own fusion with Goku to create Vegito, thus the timeline is restored to its proper flow. When Gotenks first fuses correctly, Videl says he had Goten's hair, though his hairstyle looks nothing like Goten's except for the main color. When he is created, Super Buu immediately goes to The Lookout with his newfound ability to sense ki signatures, and finds the very place where Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, and the rest of the group were located. However, Super Buu still seems to be playing around with him. Goten and Trunks later fuse into Gotenks in order to beat Hirudegarn. Goten and Trunks challenge them but eventually fused into Gotenks after the two individually are being dominated by the merged Aka. He is a playable character in Dragon Ball Heroes, but in other video games, he can not do any special attacks, and is already tired after some kicks and punches. Dead." Goten and Trunks fuse with Gotenks joining them in confronting Dark Super Buu while Piccolo recovers. Meanwhile, Gotenks and Piccolo are trying to figure out how Super Buu got out. However, most of the injuries Super Buu suffered were only through foolish accidents, and made him seem to only be playing around with Gotenks. After this encounter, they continue their banquet. Gotenks achieved this form when the Fusion Dance went wrong because Trunks extended his fingers instead of closing them midway through the dance. Like the genetic composition of Goten and Trunks, Gotenks is a Saiyan/Human hybrid and can thus turn Super Saiyan; the style of his hair is similar overall to Goten's while in Super Saiyan form. Sono Na wa Gotenkusu, lit. [5], Super Saiyan 2 Gotenks briefly appears in the anime. This is Gotenks' last appearance that revolves around Buu, as by the time Goten and Trunks are freed from Buu's body, Earth has been blown up and the fight against Buu is taken to the Supreme Kai's planet. His Name is Gotenks, Goten and Trunks perform the Fusion Dance. Fortunately Gotenks defuses back into Trunks and Goten, ending the fight with Gotenks and Super Buu. In this state, Gotenks was finally able to surpass Super Buu's strength (though he was still unable to defeat the Majin within the 30-minute time limit imposed by the Fusion Dance [said to be reduced to 5 minutes by the Super Saiyan 3 transformation], and his Super Saiyan 3 transformation wore off toward the end of the fusion). Gotenks after being transformed by dark magic. Piccolo calls him a fool, not knowing anything about Buu, and he definitely can't win as he is now.

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